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New Class Date!
The Twelve Sacred Rays: A Path to Spirit

Save the Date! You don't want to miss this!
Saturday, April 20th, 2024

11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. MDT US

Available Via Zoom!
Contact Karen to register now

A much-anticipated class for everyone interested in learning about the Sacred Rays. Karen has been studying and teaching the Rays for 30 years. Each time she teaches this class, it is new and different. Each time, a deeper understanding is brought through, and attendees receive a dynamic personal experience.

Image by Grooveland Designs

Spirit of Light


The greatest way each of us can serve the planet and serve ourselves, is to create our lives as Masterpieces of Joy. Be relentless in evaluating your lives and clear everything that does not bring you Joy. Let go of old emotions and old issues, for they are consuming the energy you could be feeling Joy with. If you focus on this as the entire process, and focus on learning to live from Joy as your Path to initiation, you will become the spiritual master you desire to be. You will assist everyone you meet by your very presence. You will be anchoring the energies of Joy for the planet, as well, to assist Her in birthing a new level of manifestation for us all. For this ecstatic union with Spirit, all that is required is for each of us to begin focusing on, and taking full responsibility for, our lives. Live life as a Masterpiece of Joy!
-From the teachings of Metatron

Get in Touch

Quantum Healing Energy Sessions

In Oneness with the Light and Love of Divine Source, we access the highest vibrational frequencies of Sound and Light in the Unified Field. Using Sacred Geometric Light Coding and the Energies of Universal Laws, I Transmit these Divine frequencies into your Quantum Field, Awakening within you the Divine Light that you are. As this Light, You will create of your life a masterpiece of Joy.

Spiritual Mentoring

We have been born into the idea of fear-based separation that defines the reality of Third Dimension. The truth of who we are is so much more than that. There is therefore much to relearn. We are held by a loving Universe. When presented with life's challenges, we are given the opportunity to excel beyond our identified self. But sometimes we find ourselves stuck. Old patterns, unhealed wounds, or negative belief systems may be in our way. Loving, supportive, insight into these unconscious patterns can provide the key to unlocking the creativity within you. Being seen as the Spirit of Light that you are may be all you need to free yourself.

Image by Amy Shamblen


The Universe is full of magic and mystery. Revel in the secrets the Cosmos have revealed. It is more than Knowledge, it is awakening in ourselves the resonance of Truth. As above so below, as without so within. Follow the path of the Seven Rays to the Five Rays of Ascension. Study the keys to True Abundance and Being Love. Expand your awareness to awaken your Divine Sovreignty and Merge with Unity Consciousness.


Refresh. Renew. Restore. Reconnect. Stepping out of your normal situation and immersing yourself in an environment of high vibration energy can help to quicken within you your deeper connection to Spirit and the Universe. Engage in an experience of Oneness, Learning, meditation, centering, and coalescing with your Divine Self. Nourish mind, body, and spirit so that you may live into your fullest potential and Highest Good.


I struggle to find the right words to accurately describe my experience of working with Karen.  I have realized it is simply impossible to quantify how Karen has impacted my life.   For the past 8 years I have been meeting with Karen every few weeks.  Anyone who knows me well knows who Karen is and understands the impact she has had on my life.  As simply as I can put it, Karen is a divine source of light.  Her gifts as a healer and a spiritual teacher never cease to amaze me.  Through our work together my own gifts and abilities have evolved beyond what I ever would have thought possible.  And in my lowest moments, Karen has comforted me on a cellular level.  It is a privilege to spend time with Karen.  I recommend her to anyone searching for deeper understanding.
A good teacher will remind you of your own power, and that is what Karen does best.

Beth Cooper

Calm Sea

What is occurring now is a shift from one dimension of being to a higher dimension of being. Each level within this dimension brings up a deeper layer of human issues than the layer before. As the issues emerge, Transformation is possible, thus assisting us in becoming clearer mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and spiritually. Each of us has only one responsibility in our lifetime, and that is for our own life. If we clear old perceptions from our inner life, we will find that the outer life will magically shift. As we Transform our world, we Transform the larger world, as well.

Be As One.

~From the teachings of Metatron

I am so thankful for all the work I have done with Karen.  Her workshops and sessions have helped me navigate the many challenges in my life, moving me to places I once struggled to get to alone.  I now have strong and fulfilling relationships.  I am now connected to all my resources and this has given me a greater sense of freedom.  This freedom has given my life added dimension, which guides my work, my art, and all my relationships.  I am proud of the person I have become and for that I am grateful to Karen :)

Neil Nordby

Karen Van Landingham has been an essential guide and healer for me for the past 15 years.  The quality, depth and breadth of Karen's work is incomparable.   I have found her clarity and visioning to be spot on.  When I have been lost or in need of emotional, cellular, sub-atomic or light matrix healing, Karen has been here to help me through.  She is generous with her talents and unfailingly devoted to the Light.  I am so grateful for all I learn and gain in Karen's Presence.

Victoria Coulter, MD

I’ve been working with Karen for over 3 years and she has been pivotal to my spiritual growth and Awakening.  The irony is we have still to ever meet!  We have weekly calls and Energy sessions and is an incredible support as I go through this process even though we are far apart geographically.  I know in the depths of my being I would not be where I am in my journey had she not been there beside me with Divine knowledge and direction.  Distance is not a barrier for Spiritual Development!


Lisa Davidson

Working with Karen has been pivotal in my own personal and spiritual evolution.  She brings 40 years of deep experience with various lineages, combined with exceptional capacities in Energy Healing that assist us in moving barriers that have prevented us from expressing our true nature.  I trust her capacity implicitly, and I cannot recommend her work highly enough.


Barbara Guth

Contact Me


1650 38th St., #100E, Boulder, CO., 80301


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